Dependent Care Travel Grants
The PEARC24 Conference is dedicated to broadening representation of its attendees, especially among early-career individuals, by lowering the barriers to participation. To support the goal of broadening representation across the full spectrum of our community and to make attendance possible for those who have dependent care responsibilities, the PEARC24 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) subcommittee is providing a Dependent Care Travel Grant program for PEARC24 Conference attendees. The travel grant is intended to offset travel expenses of dependents and/or caregivers accompanying the attendee to the conference, or the cost of in-home care while the attendee is away.
Key Dates:
- June 10th: Deadline for Applications
- June 20th: Award Announcements
Who is eligible: Attendees who demonstrate that it would be difficult or impossible to attend PEARC24 Conference if this resource was not provided and who demonstrate that attending the PEARC24 Conference will demonstrably enhance their professional development and/or career opportunities. Priority will be given to attendees who are presenting a paper/poster, chairing a session, leading a tutorial/workshop/BoF, mentoring students, etc.
Review Criteria: Completed applications will be reviewed by a committee of volunteers assembled by the PEARC24 DEI subcommittee. Dependent Care Travel Grants will be prioritized and awarded based on the following criteria:
- submission of a fully completed application by the published deadline
- documented need for funds to offset qualifying expenses
- demonstration of how attendance will enhance professional development and/or career opportunities
All registered attendees will be eligible to apply, but priority will be given to those presenting a paper/poster, chairing a session, leading a tutorial/workshops/BoF, mentoring students, etc.
Other Information: For the purposes of the PEARC24 Dependent Care Travel Grant program, “dependent care” is defined to include accommodations/expenses related to care arrangements and/or travel for children, as well as for elderly or disabled family members for which the attendee may be responsible. Pet care is not a qualifying expense. Funds will be dispersed post-conference.
Any violation of the PEARC24 Code of Conduct could result in the grant award being rescinded or reimbursed to the conference.