Student Program
PEARC23 Student Program
The ACM PEARC23 student program (SP) begins Saturday, July 22, 2023, two days ahead of the general conference. Following training and orientations on Saturday and Sunday, students can then attend workshops, tutorials, panels, and more on Monday through Thursday. Among SP highlights are a resume clinic, a negotiation workshop, mentor-protégé pairing, exhibitor Q&A, local charity and outreach activities, and more. These six full days of professional development opportunities are designed to help students envision themselves in research computing and data science (RCD) careers with academia, industry and government.
Student Posters, Papers and Panels: Student papers, posters and panels provide a platform for students to meet others both in and out of your field during the PEARC23 program as well as a chance to discuss your work in greater detail with conference attendees and exhibitors. Student posters offer a great opportunity to share your research and network with people from a diverse set of fields. Enjoy the conversation and consider new angles and ideas related to your research topic.
- Key Dates and Forms
Key Dates
- May
- May 1st: Student Program Applications Due
Students are welcome and encouraged to submit papers, posters, and panel proposals through the conference submission process.
Resume Clinic: Are you preparing your application for graduate school, an internship program, or perhaps a full-time position? Would you like to have your resume critiqued by a professional in the field? If so, you’ll enjoy our resume clinic which will take place during the student program. Twenty-minute time slots will be available on a first come, first served basis. Be sure to upload your resume when registering; failure to do so could jeopardize your place.
Pitch It Workshop: Students can fine-tune their elevator pitch with the help of student program committee members. An elevator pitch is a quick synopsis of someone’s background and experience. The reason it’s called an elevator pitch is that it should be short enough to present during a brief elevator ride. This speech is all about you: who you are, what you do, and what you want to do (if job hunting or pitching an idea). It’s useful at job fairs, networking events, mixers, poster presentations, conferences, and more! It is also a great way to introduce yourself to hiring managers. During this workshop, you will have the opportunity to craft a unique elevator pitch and “Pitch It” to committee members and invited guests.
Negotiation Workshop: You’ve received a job offer, do you know what to ask for? There’s more to job offer negotiations than just salary and benefits. This workshop will provide students with information and knowledge needed to navigate the negotiation process and gain the necessary skills to successfully ask for what you want.
Speed Networking: The Speed Networking session will allow students to meet one-on-one with representatives from the PEARC23 exhibitors to pitch their professional skills and enthusiasm to future employers. Bring your resume and your “personal elevator pitch” – we want you to make a good impression!
Student Volunteers: The Student Volunteer Program is a great way to get a behind the scenes look at conference activities and network with other students who are passionate about advanced research computing. As a student volunteer, you will have an all-access pass to the conference program and tutorials. By helping to support the conference, you will have a unique opportunity to meet and learn from leading researchers, professionals, and educators. Students with a passion for leadership and service are encouraged to apply for this exclusive opportunity!
- Extra Life – Extra Life presents an opportunity to provide an interactive social event for all conference attendees, and also provide benefit to the community. Extra Life allows interactive gaming on a variety of platforms. Gamers can sign up to get donations which then go to the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
- Community outreach – TBD
Lightning Talks: Students will be asked to do a 2-3 minute lightning talk to conference attendees. This is your opportunity to highlight who you are, what organization you’re with, what your interests are and why you wanted to attend the PEARC conference.
Dinner with the PEARC23 Executive Committee and Advisory Board members: Students will have the opportunity to hear from the PEARC23 executive committee and advisory board members about their career paths and how they became involved with the PEARC community.
Awards and ACM Conference Proceedings: Students will have an opportunity to win a Best Student Poster and/or Best Student Paper for their contributed work. Plus, all student accepted submissions are eligible for publication in the conference proceedings.
Student Program Demographics

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