
Plenary Speaker

Ayanna Howard, PhD
Dean, Ohio State University College of Engineering

Bio and Abstract

Plenary Speaker

Suresh Srinivas, PhD
Senior Principal Engineer, Intel Corporation

Bio and Abstract

PEARC22 Slide Presentation

Keynote Speaker

John Towns
Deputy CIO for Research IT, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Bio and Abstract

PEARC22 Slide Presentation

Keynote Speaker

Donna J Cox, MFA, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Art and Design, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Bio and Abstract

Keynote Speaker

Jack Dongarra
Distinguished Research Staff & Professor,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University of TN, Knoxville

Bio and Abstract

PEARC22 Slide Presentation

Closing Plenary Panel

Moderator: Ruth Marinshaw
Chief Technology Officer,
Stanford University
Research Computing

About and Abstract

PEARC22 Slide Presentation